Returnjourney’s Weblog

Just so you know

For those of you that bought a foreclosed house recently, congratulations.

But before you move your belongings into your shiny new home, I want you to know something.

You are moving into someone else’s misfortune. Before you were even able to look at the house you are in, someone else was there. And that someone had dreams.

The people that were there before you imagined their children playing in the back yard. They imagined first days of school, barbeques with the neighbors, and playing ball with the dog.

Those people that were there before you, for whatever reason, had to leave. And in your new house, they left their dreams, and their hopes. They left their children’s first school dances and first sleepovers.

So when you back the U-Haul up to your new, shiny, can’t-believe-I-got-such-a-deal house, just remember, you are pulling into someone else’s misfortune.
